Monday, September 30, 2013

Pep assembly

The pep assembly last week was good, but last years was way better when all the teachers started dancing. Yes I enjoyed the pep assembly, the best part was when the students from each grade had to do stuff like hitting the vollyball back and forth while running from end to end in the gym, bouncing on the yoga ball,  digging their face into the cool whip and getting the two gumballs and then having to blow a bubble, and at the end when one student had to throw the football to another student from one end to the other.  The worst part was probably sitting in the bleachers for an hour and a half because your butt starts to go numb.  No I did not participate, nor have I ever participated in spirit week.  What I would like to see at the pep assemblies is stuff involving more of the teachers.  The shirtless crew was great because they make a lot of noise and cheer on their aggies every week.

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